IS215UCVEM06A circuit board



Product Description
The IS215UCVEM06A is a circuit board for the GE Speedtronic Mark VI turbo series. IS215UCVEM06A is an Ethernet connection board. The IS215UCVEM06A then uses multiple ports on the front of the device. These ports come in different shapes and sizes. These ports are used to connect Ethernet cables and COM ports. The IS215UCVEM06A uses various components such as capacitors, diodes, resistors, SD cards, batteries, integrated circuits, and more. Each component works individually to help the board function as a whole. Capacitors save varying amounts of energy to the board. Diodes direct energy in one direction and not the other. Resistors are a way for the board to get rid of energy that the board isn’t using. SD card is used for information and data storage. Integrated circuits are used to control circuit boards. They have all the data that tells the board how to perform. The IS215UCVEM06A slides into place and has male terminals on the back for connecting this board to the system. There are other places for connections on the board. The IS215UCVEM06A has a large cooling unit that occupies half of the board.