IC698CPE030 Cards



Technical Specifications for IC698CPE030
Brand GE Fanuc
Series PACSystem RX7i
Manufacturer GE Fanuc
Part Number IC698CPE030
Product Description Central Processing Unit
Description Rx7i PACsystem CPU
Communication ports Two (2) Ethernet communication ports; One (1) RS232 port; One (1) RS485 port and One (1) Station manager port
Application Rx7i PLC System
Random Access Memory (RAM) 64 MB
Operating Voltage +5, +15, -12 Volt DC
Flash Memory 64 MB
Current Rating 3.4 Amps
Discrete I/O memory 32K
Microprocessor 600MHz Pentium M
Analog I/O memory 32 Kwords
CPU Memory 64 Megabytes
Compatible Memory storage SRAM, Flash
User Memory 64 Megabytes
Processor speed 600MHz
Max Program Block 512 Program Blocks
Processor type Pentium M microprocessor
Supported Operation Floating Point Maths
Floating point Supported
Programming Languages ​​C, Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, and Function Block Diagram
Ethernet data rate 10Mb/sec and 100Mb/sec
Built-in Ports 2 Serial (RS-232, RS-485) 1 Ethernet (Auto 10/100, RJ45)
FTP / Webserver Supported; Up to 16 connections
Supported Protocols Ethernet: SRTP, Modbus TCP Server and Client, Ethernet Global Data (EGD); Serial: Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O.
Configuration Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer PLC version 4.0 or later
Location Rx7i Rack

