DS200TCEAG1B Gas turbine card

Frequently Asked Questions about DS200TCEAG1B
What kind of microprocessor does DS200TCEAG1B have?
DS200TCEAG1B has an 80196 microprocessor.
What programs DS200TCEAG1B?
There are a series of berg jumpers for DS200TCEAG1B that program DS200TCEAG1B to the location in the < P > core where DS200TCEAG1B resides. If you move DS200TCEAG1B, you must also move the berg jumpers.
Besides overspeed, what is DS200TCEAG1B responsible for?
DS200TCEAG1B is responsible for processing the overspeed but DS200TCEAG1B is also responsible for flame detection trip signals.



Product Description

The General Electric Emergency Overspeed Board model DS200TCEAG1B features one microprocessor and multiple programmable read only memory (PROM) modules. It also contains 3 fuses, 30 jumpers, and a pair of bayonet connectors. The board monitors the drive for over speed and flame detection trip conditions and shuts down the drive as appropriate. The bayonet connectors are used to connect the board to other devices and boards in the drive. The male bayonet connectors on the end of the cables require some consideration before you connect them to the female connectors on the board. To remove a bayonet connector, hold the connector with one hand and with the other hand secure the board to keep it from bending or moving. Pull the bayonet connector out of the female connector on the board and put the cable aside until you are ready to connect it to the replacement board.

One warning is that you must not disconnect the bayonet connector by pulling on the cable and not the connector. This might damage the cable by pulling the signal wires out of the bayonet connector. Also, refrain from accidentally touching the other components on the board with the bayonet connector. You might bend or scratch the components or the surface of the board.

To connect a bayonet connector, align the connector and press it into the connector on the board. When it is fully installed, it clicks into place. As a means of testing the connection, you can gently tug on the cable.