Component number: IS420UCSBH4A
Manufacturer: General Electric (GE)
Country of Manufacture: USA
Series: Mark VIe
Microprocessor: 1066 MHz Intel EP80579
Memory: 256 MB DDR2 SDRAM
Operating system: QNX Neutrino, real-time multitasking operating system
Function: UCSB controller for gas turbine control systems
Communication interface: Communicates with the I/O packet through the onboard IONet interface
Controller advantages: Single module built-in power supply, no jumper setting; No battery and no fan (UCSBSIA, UCSBHIA, UCSBH4A); Flash memory can be easily updated
Installation requirements: Must be attached to the panel and kept unobstructed by the vertical airflow of the fins
Size and weight
Dimensions: The floor area is 6.4 inches x 8.1 inches x 1.4 inches
High reliability: With a high-speed processor and real-time multitasking operating system, it was developed for industrial applications that require extremely high speed and reliability
Multichannel input/output: There are often multiple analog input and output channels, allowing multiple process variables to be monitored and multiple control operations to be performed